速報APP / 個人化 / Nuclear Power Energy 3D LWP

Nuclear Power Energy 3D LWP





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



Nuclear Power Energy 3D LWP(圖1)-速報App

Nuclear power plant - Live Wallpaper. Watch the work of nuclear power plant, which stands on the background of beautiful scenery and buildings. Powerful power produces electricity day and night, for what you can watch this live wallpaper setting for your android device. And enjoy at any time.

Nuclear Power Energy 3D LWP(圖2)-速報App

Nuclear energy or nuclear energy - energy, using nuclear energy for electrification and heating; Science and Technology, which develops methods and means of conversion of nuclear energy into electricity and heat.

Nuclear Power Energy 3D LWP(圖3)-速報App

The basis of nuclear energy - nuclear power plants that provide about 6% of global energy production and 13-14% of electricity.

Nuclear Power Energy 3D LWP(圖4)-速報App

Nuclear Power Energy 3D LWP(圖5)-速報App